Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Do you know what LSS is? It's short for Last Song Syndrome. I first heard the term last year (excuse me with your Duh?s after all, I am officially on my last year of demographic youthness). It's when you hear a song, and until you hear another song of better LSS caliber, you keep hearing the song in your head. You hum it, whistle it, sing a few lines, doodle about it, the little voices in your head dance to it. It's about as bad as falling in love at first sight. The sad part is that it is a psychologically proven human phenomenon, which is considered harmless. I wonder if dogs get LSS?

The first time I heard the song of Perfect World was when my friend Malystryx was singing it around the house. I was thoroughly annoyed by it because Malystryx does not know how to sing. In fact, I'm guessing no matter how many Immortal stones you imbue into her she will only glow, but the singing will still be as bad.

Eniwey, the Perfect World song, is a perfect example of an LSS song. You hear it, and it sticks like Ghoul Poison. Very few songs are of the same caliber. Those that come to mind are Macarena and Boom Tarat Tarat.

But "wildchild" another of the players here in house says it sounds awfully like Sting! The male voice side anyway. I still have no idea how, but, yeah, he's right.

But that doesn't change the fact that whenever I hear the song of Perfect World, I end up humming it and singing it and well, you get the picture. When I went to the Perfect World event at Megamall recently, I got a copy of Toni Gonzaga's CD which has a version of the song. I listened to the song, actually I listened to the whole CD. I am sorta a fan of her, because I am a fan of anyone who can do impersonations and satire. Which might explain why I despise Willy Revillame.

Eniwey, I digress. The point is, when I heard Ms. Gonzaga's song about PW, wonders of wonders! I did not get LSS. Ahh! It must be the way its song then? It is a wonder.

Which brings me back to my dilemma in the first place. So, until I find away to deactivate the log-in audio, I guess I will just keep doing what I do: Log in and enter the world as fast as I can, before..."Flyyyy with meeeeee! In a Perfect World!..."

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